Worldwide manufacturers are trying to lessen outfitted cost, invest in process development, make use of existing capacity optimally and boost efficiencies, while maintaining product quality and conference on safety and regulatory structural units. IG's manufacturing solutions are affordable to you which seek innovation on new or existing business models, keep congruency with up to date technological solutions.
We at IG help financial services firms build up business solutions that make competency, effectiveness, innovation and virtualization. When you choose IG, you benefit from profound industry expertise to help manage risk, act in accordance with regulations, increase product features and manage business alteration challenges.
Today's manufacturing companies based on enterprise wide manufacturing solutions are focused exclusively on helping project-intensive businesses. At IG we believe that we have manufacturing expertise, experience and skills to solve any identical problems thus minimizes project risks. The global manufacturing situation is rapidly changing together with company operations. The need for a proficient supply chain network is pouring companies to approve sophisticated manufacturing IT solutions.
IG provides all-inclusive manufacturing enterprise solutions, aimed at towards creating a mutual network to allow you to improve productivity and convey customer value. Our manufacturing enterprise solutions extent the whole manufacturing scale, including,
o Supply Chain Management
o Product Lifecycle Management
o Manufacturing Execution Systems